Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My responce Easy

 Hello, I am Ryan Jo. Today I would like to talk about the good parts and the bad parts of the movie “Brave”. In the movie there are characters like, Merida, Fergus, Elinor, and lastly  the boys. I personally like this movie because it had a lot of funny parts and some touching parts too. In my response easy, I would like to mainly discuss three things.

 Firstly, the touching part is when Merida learned some lessons about changing her fate by changing her mother. In my opinion, I think even Elinor and Fergus didn’t listen to Merida, it is not the right thing to change somebody’s fate with our telling  them. It also made Fergus nearly kill Elinor  because when Merida changed Elinor’s fate into a bear, so Fergus tried to kill Elinor to protect Merida. i think that Fergus was touching as well because when Mor’du which is a bear, attacked Fergus’s family, he faced the danger to save his family. I was very impressed how he showed me how he would save his family.

 Secondly, the bad part is when Merida does not listen to her parents at the archery contest. I think she wanted to show to the clans how is good at it because she didn’t want to marry. Elinor says that Merida embarrassed Elinor by not listening to her parents, so I was very disappointed at her reactions to her mom. I think she has a strong stubbornness because she all ways do things that she wants, like for example, mainly shooting arrows and things that what here parents don't want her to do. Even though her parents don’t listen to Merida, i think it is the right thing to respect the things that your parents tell us because parents want the best thing for his or her children. I think there are no parents that want their children to be bad, but in the other hand i liked it because Merida has learned a lesson and think now see knows what is the right thing or the bad thing.

 Thirdly, the best part is when the “wisps” came up and started leading Merida to the witch’s house. It was very interesting because that part was not based on real life. I think the “wisps” were leading Merida to the war she should go to unspell Elinor from a Bear into  a person again. In the Movie, the coolest thing was the “wisps” because they were shining in blue color, and was like Whispering in the ears. So I think its name is “wisp” because it all ways whispers in the ears. I also liked the part when the Brothers of Merida helps her to break the spell that was on Merida’s mom, which is Elinor. They were very cute and was very clever, but the funny part is when they become bears as well.

 For conclusion I think that the movie “Brave” was very fun because there were many fun parts and some touching parts. i have gave you the reasons why it was very fun and touching by giving you three reasons, and also I have gave you my own opinion about the Movie

 Thank you...

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