Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dear My Mac Book Pro

 Hey, my laptop on my desk,

 Why are you so kind to me?
You do everything that are hard for me, You help me with my homework,
you make me enjoy my life by turning on songs that I like. I think if you do't stay beside me, I will not have the power to live. You are so important to me because you are like a engine of my heart, and if the engine stops..... that means that I have no reason to live.

 You are my best electronic friend because you know all of my secrets. For example, about my girlfriend and her pictures, you also know what I usually do on my computer , which is about "future technology of cars,  When I did't have a phone, you were my window to the world, you were my only communication system for me.

 When I am bored you entertain me by showing me movies that are popular, and you just make my life easier every time, and anywhere. especially when I do my homework, you help me by recommending good programs.

 I think you know more information about me than anybody in this universe. I have a phone now, but still you are my window to the world by the thing called the Internet. I just can't live without you, not because I am addicted, but because I need you.

From your Best Friend Ryan Jo

1 comment:

  1. Ryan,

    This is a good ode. You posted it very late however. You also have not posted your diamante poem, or your response essay on "Brave". I see you have posted many video links however, you should not be posting extra things on your blog until you have posted all of the required assignments. I am disappointed that you have not completed your work!
